Project #2 Remediate: Project & Documentation.


So for the biggest part of the is project was the research, the photo's, and then the placement. So i plan to follow that flow for this documentation.


ID Common Name Scientific Name Plant Type Height Spread Ecological Function Human Use/Crop
1 Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis Perennial 8" to 20" 6" apart Pollincator Cause Vomiting, Empty Bowels, reducing tooth pain
2 Virginia Bluebells Boraginaceae Wild Flower 1'to 2' ??? Earlys Seasonal Nectar/pollen, Easy to grow. once used for whooping caugh, tuberculosis, and other respiratory ailments.
3 Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Annual
(Sometimes Perennial)
12" to 39" 12" to 18" apart Medical for animals Treat earache, Treat dropsy
4 Anchistea  Anchistea Virginica Perennial Max 4' Feet N/A High density leaves
provide more biomass.
Food, Medicine, biofertilizer,
ornimental plants, remediationg
contaminated soil
5 Sharp-lobed Hepatica Anemone acutiloba Perennial 3" to 6" 1" to 3" apart Pollincator, Food N/A
6 Dense Blazing Star Liatris spicata Perennial 3' to 4' 2' to 4' apart attracting pollinators
beneficial insects.
Once used for back/limb pain,
Used to improve weak hearts
7 Poke Milkweed Asclepias exaltata Annual  6' Max 5' to 7' apart Pollincator, Early Blooms,
Used for food by butterfly larva
Wart Removal, roots
cheweed to treat dysentery,
treat swelling, rashes,
coughs, fevers, and asthma
8 Nodding Pogonia Triphora trianthophoros Perennial 2 CM  3' to 5' apart N/A N/A
9 Royal Fern Osmunda Regalis Perennial 6" Max 2" - 5" apart provide a source of food
 or medicine for animals
Roots used to help with
chronic conditions
10 Common Winterberry Ilex verticillata Perennial
(Sometimes Annual)
3' to 15' 1' to 3' apart Berries and Leaves are
food for birds,
but poisonous to humans 
The bark is antiseptic,
astringent, cathartic
and tonic.
11 Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana Perennial 20' to 40' 5' to 7' apart Magnolia seed ripens in mid-Autumn and is
eaten and spread by songbirds, wild turkey, quail, and
mammals such as gray squirrels and white-footed mice. 
used for furniture, cabinets, paneling, veneer, boxes, and
crates (Hodges et al., 2010). It is straight-grained, can be
easily worked, and takes finishes well
12 Flowering Dogwood Cornus Perennial 10 in -25 in 6 in - 12 in valuable food plant for
wildlife because high
calcium and fat contents
make it palatable. Many
bird types including
songbirds, forest edge
species, and upland
game birds (e.g. wild turkey)
consume the seeds.
The fruit of flowering
dogwood is poisonous to
humans. reduce fever and
relieve colic pains. 
All my research for this project is here on this excel spread sheet. Spent so much time making sure these were non-invasive plants. The hardest part was finding human uses, but ultimately filled this up with more information then previously thought before creating this. Now it is still important people put info up on some of these plants due to the ill effects it can have on a human verses an animal, but they can benefit both sides when used properly.


Both pictures above show the area's intended for the project. Though while working on this, getting rid of all the unnecessary clutter of the satellite photo's. Taking it down to simple shapes is what will work best. Show only what is necessary for the project and provide just the basic's. Not much to this part besides putting it in Clip Studio's and lining everything out for what will go below which will be the placement.

In the photo above, i have the art building made up of simple lines to convey a faux three dimensional shape. Each circle and square are labeled with the corresponding number to what plant is labeled with those numbers in the spread sheet. Each shape should also be to scale as well as different opacity to show things that can grow under the shape for trees. All are metaphorical placements, but all their placements should work well with the area provided.(If anything on here is too hard to read, i have a word document.)


While finishing this project, i have shown serious signs of the COVID-19 virus halfway through spring break when i believe this is due. I know it will be late as I am trying to stay on top of other classes. Taking this project for what it was suppose to be, the imaginary idea of landscaping for the art building was an inventive way to make students research deeply on many plants that are native or not to the area of Virginia. It also had the class research uses, sizes, how fart hey should be planted apart from each other, and how they can benefit the world as a whole from he different uses. Closing this off, the project was slightly stressful with how it was approached and I do believe it could have been done much more effectively if it was drawn by hand. Still proud of how it turned out and would not think twice about how it was organized. Everything would grow so nicely and full without the problem of squishing.


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