Project #4: Share


During all this research the article Time/Bank: Time/Food by Julieta Aranda & Anton Vidokle is a topical article in this time due to it being closed or restricted due to covid-19. This could potentially be extremely damaging to people who had low income and this project was their way of scrapping by. Now there are no statistics to show if the pandemic has damaged this, but the idea of humans having to stay away from each other to not get sick must hurt this idea. 

"Time/Bank is an international community of more than 1,500 artists, curators, writers, and others in the field of art who are interested in developing a parallel economy based on exchange of time and skills."Let it be known that the idea is amazing though because it is a form of equal exchange of work in some capacity for food to be given. 

"Time/Food is a temporary eatery that operates on the Time/Bank economic system — a platform where individuals can pool time and skills, bypassing money as a means of value — allowing visitors to pay for their lunch in exchange for time credits and time currency earned by helping others in the Time/Bank community. "

I say this is important though because originally before everything on out planet has turned everyone into shut in's, this was a project and effort to give back to the community in a better way than just money. Fresh food with time credits that people can earn without having to do crazy amounts of arduous work (hopefully) just means more to those who could be struggling.

Discussion of Media:

Being full transparent as a student who goes into these projects with knowing nothing about what will be there for me, the info we got in our resources was not expected. This was mainly due to the large amount of not knowing since we are not in the classroom each week talking about this stuff in deep discussion. On top of that being said, as someone who remembers things better when it is said from the caramels mouth, it is hard to get in the correct mindset to figure out this assignment. I believe at the next meeting on the 30th of April, 2020 will have a lot of question from me. Most will come from the idea of wonder what in the world we are actually doing with the final project and making sure it is done right to get the grade we all want out of this.Fingers crossed with everything you've given us, we can end this semester off stronger.


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