Project #3 (Grow): Research & Project Proposal
In my research for this project, the approach is much different than that of the last assignment. This one will have us physically growing plants which prior to this project, I have little to no knowledge of growing anything. So on top of the research here for the artworks I will be looking at info for growing plants well. They will most likely all have slightly different needs, but that should not be hard to find specifics for each plant.
Below I have listed all 3 articles that were research for this project.
Mosswand, Kilian Lingen, Florian D. Schneider:
Kilian and Florian talk about virticle greening which allows them to grow much more that someone would get growing on the ground normally. As said in the article, "Vertical greening on facades and walls is a promising concept for realizing green spaces outside of the competition for space." The vertical growing can also serve for multiple animals who would find it suitable for nesting sights as well as potential spots to find food.
Through their testings of growing moss vertically, they are using "multi-layer and single-layer textiles, different material qualities, and a lining with foam as a water reservoir can be compared here." With this, they ultimately want to use their idea as a way to see after the irrigation, what works best to filter the water as well as for the moss.

Yoko Ono, Wish Tree: Ono takes the idea of growing far different than the two other articles here as the blooming of her wish tree is not what one would expect. People take the tree as a spiritual place to talk about their hopes and dreams, but during the summer months in the Washington D.C. area, people add physical notes. This is where the blooming happens as state in the article "For most of the year, visitors may whisper their wishes to its branches, but during warmer months, the tree ‘blooms’ with thousands of paper tags, an archive of the hopes and ambitions of visitors from around the world."
After the time passes, workers of the Hirshhorn museum take the notes to be sent to ono's imagine peace tower to be added to the already 100,000 plus wishes that have surfaced over the past decade. This is great because it shows growth in a different way which gives others a fun or spiritual way to put themselves out there. Then their wishes get used for an even bigger project that, in a way, grows something else potentially greater.

How Art Can Change the Way We Eat at TEDxManhattan:
Matthew Moore talk about showing how documentation and the amount of time it truly takes for certain vegetation to grow that later a person will pick up in the supermarket takes. Really to hammer home how important it is to keep those farm lands that supply what we need. It also humbles a persons view to everything as the process is shown time lapsed. This is extremely important to our project as to where we have less time, but it takes several weeks for one head of lettuce to be grown.
Show us everything is not instantaneous, but takes precious time that no many humans think about.
Now going over roughly everything stated above, personally i just found them to be insightful in what was being grown and specific ways humans use what they grow to change the earth. Though it also shows just how much time is needed in order for anything significant to be there for the said project.
Ultimately these articles will most likely not effect how or what will be done with the project, but it is going to keep my brain enlightened as i go throughout life and see things differently. Growing plants normally will be hard due to killing anything i use to grow. Though usually that was due to over watering which rotted things and destroyed the plant.
Project Proposal:
Now the project proposal is going to be nothing insane, but growing lettuce as that is a bigger plant. Then two more plants that are smaller and roughly easier things to take care of, those will be mint and rosemary. Each will have it's own respective pot because each will be a sizable plant which will need its own pot as to not kill the others if possible. It will be very basic, but as a person who is technology oriented and does not usually leave things to the power of nature. This is just going to be a test to see if i can grow anything at all for this project.
In my research for this project, the approach is much different than that of the last assignment. This one will have us physically growing plants which prior to this project, I have little to no knowledge of growing anything. So on top of the research here for the artworks I will be looking at info for growing plants well. They will most likely all have slightly different needs, but that should not be hard to find specifics for each plant.
Below I have listed all 3 articles that were research for this project.
Mosswand, Kilian Lingen, Florian D. Schneider:
Kilian and Florian talk about virticle greening which allows them to grow much more that someone would get growing on the ground normally. As said in the article, "Vertical greening on facades and walls is a promising concept for realizing green spaces outside of the competition for space." The vertical growing can also serve for multiple animals who would find it suitable for nesting sights as well as potential spots to find food.
Through their testings of growing moss vertically, they are using "multi-layer and single-layer textiles, different material qualities, and a lining with foam as a water reservoir can be compared here." With this, they ultimately want to use their idea as a way to see after the irrigation, what works best to filter the water as well as for the moss.
Yoko Ono, Wish Tree: Ono takes the idea of growing far different than the two other articles here as the blooming of her wish tree is not what one would expect. People take the tree as a spiritual place to talk about their hopes and dreams, but during the summer months in the Washington D.C. area, people add physical notes. This is where the blooming happens as state in the article "For most of the year, visitors may whisper their wishes to its branches, but during warmer months, the tree ‘blooms’ with thousands of paper tags, an archive of the hopes and ambitions of visitors from around the world."
After the time passes, workers of the Hirshhorn museum take the notes to be sent to ono's imagine peace tower to be added to the already 100,000 plus wishes that have surfaced over the past decade. This is great because it shows growth in a different way which gives others a fun or spiritual way to put themselves out there. Then their wishes get used for an even bigger project that, in a way, grows something else potentially greater.

How Art Can Change the Way We Eat at TEDxManhattan:
Matthew Moore talk about showing how documentation and the amount of time it truly takes for certain vegetation to grow that later a person will pick up in the supermarket takes. Really to hammer home how important it is to keep those farm lands that supply what we need. It also humbles a persons view to everything as the process is shown time lapsed. This is extremely important to our project as to where we have less time, but it takes several weeks for one head of lettuce to be grown.
Show us everything is not instantaneous, but takes precious time that no many humans think about.
Now going over roughly everything stated above, personally i just found them to be insightful in what was being grown and specific ways humans use what they grow to change the earth. Though it also shows just how much time is needed in order for anything significant to be there for the said project.
Ultimately these articles will most likely not effect how or what will be done with the project, but it is going to keep my brain enlightened as i go throughout life and see things differently. Growing plants normally will be hard due to killing anything i use to grow. Though usually that was due to over watering which rotted things and destroyed the plant.
Project Proposal:
Now the project proposal is going to be nothing insane, but growing lettuce as that is a bigger plant. Then two more plants that are smaller and roughly easier things to take care of, those will be mint and rosemary. Each will have it's own respective pot because each will be a sizable plant which will need its own pot as to not kill the others if possible. It will be very basic, but as a person who is technology oriented and does not usually leave things to the power of nature. This is just going to be a test to see if i can grow anything at all for this project.
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